The following criteria have been set in place to follow health and safety guidelines and youth sports best practices at this time:
Be sure to read in full before registering! These guidelines have been instituted with strict measures to limit the risk of exposure to our players and their families.
The guidelines listed below are a collaboration between the RESAMD's Return to Play Recommended Guidelines, US Soccer's Play On Guidelines, Maryland State Health Department and CDC Recommendations along with World Class Premier's own strict standard of guidelines for returning to play. The guidelines listed below are fluid and will be altered and added to at any point, as needed.
Changes to the guidelines for Phase 2 have been highlighted in red.
Before Attending Training
1. Participation in any group activities is only allowed if:
a. You have had no signs or symptoms of COVID-19
b. No signs/symptoms that may have been COVID-19
c. Have not been exposed to someone who has had signs or symptoms of COVID-
19 for a minimum period of 14 days before participation.
- If any of the above are applicable, a note from your child's healthcare provider is required stating that they are cleared to participate in soccer related activities.
d. Your child has not had a temperature greater than 100.4 in the last 24 hours.
3. If you are sick or feel sick, STAY HOME.
4. At risk individuals, youth or adult, STAY HOME (if you are unsure if you, or your
child, are considered at risk, please consult your medical provider directly).
5. If you have been in close contact (within 6 feet) with someone who is suspected
or confirmed to have COVID-19:
a. Begin self-quarantine for 14 days.
6. Parents must advise your coach or club immediately if any possible exposures
have occurred in your team or training.
Training Session Guidelines
Each class will contain a maximum number of players adhering to current local/ state guidelines and CDC recommendations. The recommendations have increased from 9 players per session to now accommodate larger group sizes as long as the coach is comfortable to maintain the guidelines within the size of the group.
Each player will also be assigned their own "equipment station" to place their equipment, During breaks, players can migrate between their assigned training station and equipment station for water and other needs.
Players can talk to other players and to coaches​ while​ ensuring a min​​imum 6 feet distance at all times, to include before and after training and during breaks.
Coaches will coach from a distance so as to ensure no contact​ and wear a mask whenever possible​. Maximum two coaches.
For younger age groups, a parent volunteer may be requested to help players adhere to guidelines.
Until further notice, all handshaking has been suspended. A verbal greeting is to replace all physical contact.
Physical contact that is necessary for training may occur, whenever possible it should be limited in duration
This includes limiting close group discussions, no ‘high fives’, no embracing etc.
Training sessions should have a balance between individual non-contact skill building activities and limited duration for small sided games including contact
Fully Integrated GK training allowed. This includes technical training, field players shooting on goal. GK’s should properly sanitize their gloves prior to beginning training and whenever possible and convenient throughout.
Equipment Guidelines
Be sure to bring your own ball and disinfect it before and after training.
Equipment, water, hair bands, shin guards etc is not to be shared; with the exclusion of soccer balls as players will now be able to pass soccer balls.
Cones and other equipment are to be handled only by coaches and to be sanitized after use.
Participants are welcome to bring their hand sanitizer.
Participants should sanitize their own balls before and after each training session.
Coaches are to sanitize cones and other equipment between training sessions.
We ask that players wear a mask upon arrival and departure. Players are welcome to wear a mask during training, at their own discretion during physical activity. Per CDC guidelines, face coverings may be challenging for players (especially younger players) to wear while playing sports.
Participants are to remain 6 feet apart off of the field
Guidelines for Parents/Spectators
We request that parents wear a mask anytime they are outside of their car. Please walk your child to the entrance of the training session to ensure the coach is present at drop off​ and to assist with answering any health-related questions the coach may have for your child​. We ask that 6 feet remain between the coach(es), other participants, and any adults present at drop-off and pickup
Spectators are allowed but with proper social or physical distancing and no contact with players or teams. At risk individuals should still take precautions.
-Phase 3-
Implementation date TBA; training and group size will be unrestricted. Guidelines below are from RESAMD's Phase 3 Recommendations
Gradual return to full team competition
No training restrictions
Full team competitions can occur
Continue Covid-19 mitigation strategies
Consider local and single day competitions
Large events should be guided by local and/or state public health authorities
Teams are recommended to only participate in local games/events and resist the urge to participate in events in other areas or regions that may require travel or overnight stays
Physical contact should be minimized whenever possible
No physical contact should occur outside of what is necessary for training / games. This includes limiting close group discussions, no ‘high fives’, no embracing etc.
Participants are to remain 6 feet apart off of the field
Designated areas for each attendee’s gear should be clearly marked off the field
No sharing of water or equipment; Soccer balls are excluded. All soccer balls should be sanitized before next practice/scrimmage/game
Only the coach may handle cones
Spectators are allowed but with proper social or physical distancing and no contact with players or teams. At risk individuals should still take precautions